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Step One: First you need to create an account. There is no charge for signing up.

From the Pixel Page Click On "Order Pixels" Create a member ID, your name or your business name is just fine.

Be sure to use your correct email address, so we can send you our "Account Confirmation Email"

When you get the email click on the link or paste it into a browser window to confirm your account.

You will be taken to the sign in screen. Sign in with your user name and password.

You will then see this screen:

Click on Order Pixels.


There is a $25 minimum for 100 pixels on an annual basis. That would be an ad that is 10 x 10 pixels.

Pretty small but it still counts!!!

You can create your own graphics, or if you like you can choose one of ours by clicking here.You will have to follow the instructions on that page for downloading the graphic to your computer. The when you are ordering your ad click on the  it will ask you to Browse for your graphic, go to the directory on your computer where you saved it and choose it.

When your image has been uploaded you will then be able to place the ad on the grid where ever you would like.

But FIRST  you will need to scroll down a bit to see the 1000 x 1000 graphic. Click your graphic which will be floating just beneath the upload image above. Click the left mouse button when it is over the image and hold it down while moving your mouse into the position you want the ad to be placed on the screen:


Once you have placed your add in the area of the grid that you want, click on the "Write Your Add" button


Here you will be given the chance to say a few words and type in a web address. These will show up when someone scrolls over your ad on our page.

You will also be given an option to put another graphic, nothing larger than 100 x 200 pixels please, this is no extra charge and totally optional, the text will still display.

Once you've completed that,  click "save ad" then click the continue button at the top of the page.

Follow the prompts through the last few steps where you will be shown the charge for your  ad, which will run 1 full year from the date you placed it.  And then payment which is through PayPal. You DO NOT have to have a PayPal account to use your credit card.

If you are confused and have any questions email us.

Thank you!